7 Mustache Styles You Might Want to Consider

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If you’re considering a new look, then there’s not many that are more unique than sporting a mustache. The right mustache can transform you from baby to badboy; here are some of the more interesting mustaches that you might want to consider if you’re looking to impress.


The Mexican Mustache

The Mexican mustache has been a staple amount mustach-keers for many, many years. Duly dubbed the Mexican due to the prominence of men sporting it down South, this classic is actually popular throughout the whole of Latin America. Whilst in recent years it might have died down in regards to popularity, this is only due to the increase in full beards to accompany the mustache. This one isn’t for the light hearted; you’re going to turn heads if you walk into the party sporting a full Mexican.


Whilst you might think that the Mexican mustache is little more than a gag, it’s steeped in history and racial undertones.

There are many who think that you can’t sport a true Mexican mustache without any form of other facial hair. A true Mexican stands alone in all it’s glory, without any scruffy beard to detract from its magnificence. Whilst we do agree that this type of mustache often works best alone, there are some examples of the Mexican working with small glimpses of facial hair.

The Michael Cera Mustache


The Michael Cera mustache has become so famous, we think that it deserves a category of it’s own. A slightly thicker variety of the pencil mustache, it isn’t one that we advise you sport. Why? Well, it takes a certain type of individual to pull this mustache off. Namely, Michael Cera. He is literally the only person that should ever consider sporting this thick pencil mustache. Don’t do it.

The Pencil Mustache


Everything that the Michael Cera mustache should be, the conscious and meticulous grooming that’s necessary for a thin pencil mustache will make all the difference between the two looks. There’s a need for symmetry with this look, as it’s one of the more noticeable mustaches, especially when you consider the amount of facial hair actually appearing on your face.

Not everyone can pull off the pencil mustache, with it favourable amongst older and more distinguished gentleman.

The Mario Mustache


Have you ever seen a picture of Mario without his mustache? Well, you don’t want to; it’s downright creepy. Whilst you might struggle to get the upturn that Mario has on his mustache, it’s a good example of a thicker mustache that you can sport that will help make you look more distinguished.

A good way to grow out a thicker mustache like this is to grow out your beard in it’s entirety, and later take away the beard after several months. One issue with the Mario mustache it’s that it’s necessary to be able to grow thick facial hair, which not all of us can do.

The Walrus Mustache


The Walrus Mustache is declining in popularity due to it’s sheer audacity, but if you can pull it off you’re sure to have the ladies swooning. In order to pull off the Walrus mustache properly, you’ll need to be a 19th Century philosopher or at the very least, some sort of eccentric hipster.

The Hitler Mustache


Honestly, if you’re thinking about sporting this one then you’ve got some pretty big cajones – be careful, you might give off the wrong impression (and there’s no worse impression than the Nazi impression).


Here are just a few mustache styles that you might want to consider if you’re looking to switch it up a little bit. Though there are other mustache styles that you might want to consider, these are some of the most popular.



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