Dyson Supersonic vs Professional Edition

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The Dyson Supersonic is definitely one of the best hair dryers around – period. You aren’t going to find many people that will argue with you over that, as it’s has an allegiance of followers who have commonly regarded it as such.

Although the Supersonic is made essentially for home use, Dyson have also released a Professional Edition of the same product. Though for the most part they are the same, there are some difference between them that you’ll want to know about. If you’re wondering how they differ from one another, then here are a few of the ways that the original Supersonic and the Supersonic Professional Edition are different.

Dyson Supersonic vs Professional Edition

If we’re looking at comparing the original model and the professional model, then there are some areas where the Professional will perform better as a hairdryer.

In terms of what’s similar or the same between the two, they both use the exact same heat regulation system. This is important, as hairdryers that are too hot can cause hair loss. So, it’s important that you get a hairdryer that regulates the temperature so that it’s ideal for your hair and won’t cause it any damage.

In terms of the power of the hairdryers, they’re both 1600w, which is more than powerful enough for a home hairdryer or a salon hairdryer – in fact, more and more salon quality hairdryers are making their way into homes because they are becoming more and more affordable to the public. So, this kind of power is great and can ensure that your hair dries within a short amount of time.

As well as this, they both have the same maximum airflow, which is 41 liters per second. This generally measures the rate at which air flows through into the barrel of your hairdryer.

So, what are the differences? Well, the main difference between the two is that everything has been a little improved in the professional edition. It will dry hair faster due to an increased airflow, which makes it ideal for salon use. It’s also much easier to attach the pieces together with the Supersonic too, as it has a more powerful magnet that ensures that it stays together properly.

Another difference to note is that in the older Professional model, they only gave you one attachment nozzle – this has now been changed so that you get two, one wider nozzle for rough drying, as well as a thinner nozzle which is better used for precision hair drying. With the consumer edition, you should get two nozzles as well, but they are older in their design – the Professional nozzles are much easier to grip and better ergonomically.

One thing that can be annoying about the Professional is that you’ll need to change your dryer filter on a regular basis. Ideally you should be doing this daily anyway, but many hairdressers don’t do this – the Professional will ensure that you have to do this, otherwise it won’t function well. The cord on the Professional is also a little bit heavy for salon use, so bear that in mind before purchasing.


Overall, it’s pretty easy to conclude that there aren’t a lot of differences between the two models. for the majority of people, the original Supersonic will be more than enough for home use, as it’s a powerful and impressive hair dryer. But for salon use, the Professional has that extra bit of power that separates it and makes it better for using all day.

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