Nizoral Hair Loss Shampoo Review

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If you’re dealing with dandruff and you’re considering using Nizoral, then look no further. This is a comprehensive review that will help you to learn whether you should consider using Nizoral specifically for hair loss.

What is Nizoral?

Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with 1% Ketoconazole, Fresh Scent, 7 Fl Oz

Nizoral is often defined as an anti dandruff shampoo, but it has many more used than just that. Its often given as a cream to treat fungal infections, too. You would have found it in tablet form, but that’s far less common than it has been in the past.

But for our interests, we’re interested in Nizoral Shampoo as a hair loss agent. I’ve even seen people talking about Nizoral used as an acne cure, so it’s really a multi use wonder drugs.

It’s true name is Ketoconazole – Nizoral is just the most common brand name of this. Much like Minoxidil is known as Rogaine, or Finasteride is known as Propecia. Speaking of which, these ‘Big 3‘ are often used in conjuction with each other to give optimum hair loss prevention results.

How Does Nizoral Work?

Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with 1% Ketoconazole, Fresh Scent, 7 Fl Oz

There’s a lot more research for how Nizoral works for anti fungal methods, with less concern for how it’s used to treat hair loss. But, there is research that suggests that the anti fungal elements in Nizoral helps promote hair growth.

I know what you’re thinking; so Nizoral works for dandruff and anti fungal stuff, but what about hair loss? Well, the idea actually comes from an experiment. In the experiment, Nizoral was tested on mice. The mice developed excessive hair growth, in turn showing that Nizoral can indeed stimulate hair growth.

The results on humans are less conclusive. There is little evidence that Nizoral Shampoo will have a massive effect on your hair growth, but there are some who swear that it has made a massive difference for them. In the study linked to above, the majority of participants had some positive effect on their hair growth, which at least makes Nizoral an option, although perhaps not the best.

Positives of Using a Nizoral Shampoo

There are a few reasons that Nizoral has become increasingly popular, especially as an options for those looking for a hair loss shampoo. These are;

Ease of Use – I think that this is the main reason that Nizoral shampoo has become so popular as a hair loss method. You really don’t need to change your current routine, and just replace your current shampoo with a Nizoral one.

Relatively Cheap – Nizoral Shampoo isn’t too much more expensive than regular shampoo. This makes it a pretty good option if you need something that has the potential to work without leaving your bank empty. Though Minoxidil is more proven to work, you’re likely to rack up thousands and thousands of dollars using it over the course of your life – this isn’t the case with Nizoral.

 Lack of extreme side effects  – Another reason that Nizoral has become increasingly popular is that the side effects that you might experiences are relatively mild. This is in comparison to other hair loss products on the market.

This doesn’t meant that using Nizoral is completely without risk, and there is the possibility of experiencing some side effects when using Nizoral.

Nizoral Side Effects

One of the good things about using Nizoral is that it doesn’t come with the same risky side effects that you’d find with other hair loss medications like Finasteride. There are however, a few side effects that you need to be aware of;

 Skin Irritation – This is the most common side effect of using Nizoral Shampoo. Whilst it’s generally a pretty mild feeling for most, sometimes certain products just won’t work for you. For most, Nizoral won’t cause irritation but there are some cases where people have reported irritation.

 Dry Skin – When you deal with skin irritation, you’re likely to notice that your skin is drying out too. The irony is that Nizoral is trying to hep the health of your hair, but some people have experienced dry skin from using Nizoral.

 Allergic Reactions – Like most hair products, there is the chance that you’ll risk having an allergic reaction to some of the ingredients that the product contains.

Overall, you can see that the side effects that you might experience from using Nizoral pale in comparison when compared to other hair loss products.


In conclusion, I wouldn’t consider using Nizoral Hair Loss Shampoo on it’s own. It doesn’t have the scientific backing that other hair loss products have – if you’re going to invest in something, surely you would something scientifically proven to give results?

Whilst Nizoral may have a positive effect on hair growth, this certainly isn’y definitely. The likelihood is that you won’t notice much of an effect from using Nizoral on it’s own, so if you are going to use it, pair it up with some other hair loss products for best effect.

Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with 1% Ketoconazole, Fresh Scent, 7 Fl Oz
  • Clinically Proven: Clinically proven to control flaking, scaling and itching from dandruff. Nizoral is so powerful it can even control severe dandruff.
  • Controls Scalp Fungus: Nizoral is different because it doesn’t just address the symptoms, it gets right to the root of dandruff as it kills the fungus that causes it.
  • Ketoconazole 1%: The only over the counter dandruff shampoo with Ketoconazole 1%, a clinically proven, powerful dandruff fighting ingredient.


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