Wahl Balding Clippers Review [Updated 2024]

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The Wahl Balding Clippers are probably the most popular model on the market right now, mainly due to Wahl’s reputation as a solid choice for barbers across the USA and globally. One of their most famous products is the Super Taper, which is a great clipper; but is Wahl’s reputation justified? And more importantly for us baldies, are the Wahl Balding Clippers any good? Well..

Wahl Professional 5 Star Corded Balding Clipper V5000 Motor Ultra Close Trimming

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Please note: This is a completely unbiased review. I have not been sent anything free from Wahl to influence my thoughts. I’ve paid full price for all my products as I am always looking for an optimal shave and, of course, to help you guys get a quality product!

Wahl Balding Clippers Review

Wahl have been a premium brand in the razor market for a while now. Originating in Illinois in 1919, they’ve got branches in pet grooming and pain relief, though they are most famous for their hair clippers.

First of all, it has to be said that the Wahl Balding Clippers were originally advertised (and still is advertised) as a clipper for commercial use for barbers and hairdressers. It is also advertised for home use and it has become pretty popular amongst baldies, due to its close cut and quality production. It comes with several different grades, which is an advantage for baldies that still have a bit on top and want to style it (I can’t review anything like that as I’m full baldy!). For the purposes of this review, I used it myself as a personal grooming appliance.

Opening the Wahl Balding Clippers

After I took the Wahl Balding Clippers out of the box, the first thing I noticed was how heavy these things was. Like, really heavy. Whilst Wahl claim that this clipper is only half a pound in weight, I’m 99% sure it weighs more than that. I would compare its weight to a regular, heavy duty hair trimmer that you’d find in your barbers. This wasn’t a great start.

Looking around the clipper, you can tell it’s made well, as any Wahl clipper usually is. It has a very solid feel to it. The longer I held the clipper, the more I got used to its weight. Maybe I was over-exaggerating a bit.

Using the Wahl Balding Clippers

I used the Wahl balding Clippers for several months before I invested in a few other hair shavers and head shaving equipment. That means I do have a pretty good idea as to how well the Wahl balding clippers works, especially in comparison to others.

For shaving the front and the sides of your head, it works a dream. Really. It’s definitely the closest hair clipper that I’ve tried. Though of course, the closest hair clipper is extremely sharp. It’s not something that you want to rush over your skull, otherwise you’re almost guaranteed to end up with cuts and rashes.

So, the Wahl balding clipper works great over the top of your head and generally around the sides. It’s also better than many over shavers for trimmer around the ears, due to its close cut edges. Though to be honest, I will always use a beard trimmer around the edges of my ears anyway, just to be on the safe side. I find that a beard trimmer will cut with more accuracy, and due to their size they are easier to use.

The only sticky bit about the Wahl balding clippers is the back of your head. If you don’t have anyone that’s will to shave your dome for you, then this bit could be a bit tricky. Because it’s corded and heavy, it isn’t ideal for shaving the back of your neck and getting to the bits you can’t see. You do get used to using it, but there are other shavers available that are a bit easier to use.

Cleaning the Wahl Balding Clippers

This is one of the most positive areas for this clipper. It’s super easy to clean, and they include several brushes that come with it.

In fact, I would probably go so far as to say it’s one of the easiest clippers I’ve used in terms of maintenance. Wahl include some oil that will help to lubricate the blades. You should apply this every so often, some people are avid that you should apply the oil in a set pattern. For me, I think you can tell when the blades need lubrication, as you’ll start to feel your hair being pulled out instead of clipped.

If you’re unsure how often to clean your Wahl balding clippers, start with once a month. Honestly, you won’t need to do it more than that if you’re not using it everyday.

Wahl Professional 5 Star Corded Balding Clipper V5000 Motor Ultra Close Trimming

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Can I use my Wahl Balding clippers elsewhere?

Yes and no is the answer to this question. I found the Wahl balding clipper amazing for shaving large surface areas like your chest. It moved swiftly over the skin, and shaved it to an optimum length that wasn’t quite skin close, but almost.

If you’re wondering whether you can use this clipper for your nether regions, the answer is an astounding NO. PLEASE, NO! I advise anyone with any sense to keep this clipper at least a few inches away from your tackle at all times. There are little things more painful in a mans life than getting his tackle caught on his hair clipper – I’d probably put the pain on a similar level to childbirth. Unless you’re some sort of masochist, just don’t.

Negatives of the Wahl Balding Clippers

Well I think we’ve covered the negatives pretty well in the above section, but I’ll clarify. It’s much heavier than any other head shaver that we’ve featured on the site (to date). This makes it kinda awkward and clumsy, and doesn’t make it easy for an optimal shave.

It’s also pretty noisy actually, come to think of it. In comparison with other shavers, it’s actually quite a bit noisier than they are. This might not be a problem for a lot of people, but if you need a quite head shaver, this ain’t it.

In all honesty, I wouldn’t advise using this clipper as your primary head shaving method. If you want to shave your head once a week, then this would be a good option. But, if you like to keep it short daily or every two days, there are more convenient balding clippers around.


Whilst this is a very solid set of balding clipper, it isn’t ideal for solo use. If you’re looking for something more convenient, then the skull shaver may be a better shout. If you’re a professional and you’re considering this shaver, then you’re probably better off having a look at this video for a more detailed description;

But, as I am just a regular joe, I can’t comment too much on the more professional aspect of this balding clipper. I do know that I personally used it for a few months, and it done the job. Since then, I have upgraded to something that was more convenient, though I wouldn’t be adverse to using this again. I still keep it around the house just incase!

Wahl Professional 5 Star Corded Balding Clipper V5000 Motor Ultra Close Trimming
  • Professional Precision: Designed for extremely close cutting and full head balding
  • Powerful Motor: Equipped with a V5000 electromagnetic motor that cuts at twice the speed of pivot motors
  • Durable Design: High-quality construction ensures long-lasting performance

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Hey! I'm Steve, and this is my site. I started going bald at 15 and was completely bald by 19, so I know what it's like to start balding for any man. Anyway, enjoy the site and get in touch through the contact from if you need anything! Cheers!

4 thoughts on “Wahl Balding Clippers Review [Updated 2024]”

  1. Thanks for this review. I am balding and have used this clipper for years. You said you’ve moved on to another clipper presumably for more frequent clipping. Which one is that?
    Kind regards

  2. What clippers do you recommend to shave your head bald on a weekly basis over the Wahl balding clippers? Also I have super sensitive skin that gets irritated very easily.

    • For sensitive skin, the Wahl Balding CLippers can be a bit rough, which may not suit (as you’ve probably found out). If you’re only shaving once/twice a week, then you could look at a foil shaver like the Skull Shaver or the XR1400. They definitely don’t cut as close as the Wahl clippers, but they do irritate far less. Unfortunately in terms of clippers, there’s a real gap in the market and aside from this set, there isn’t a lot out there.


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