Dorco vs Gillette – Pace 6 or the Fusion5?

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Dorco and Gillette are two of the most popular brands when it comes to razors. Their products are particularly popular in the United States, where Gillette take up much of the market share. Of course Dorco are perhaps known for producing the Dollar Shave Club razors, which are some of the best razor blades that are currently on the market. It can be difficult to know which one to opt for, seeing as there’s a ton of different models from each brand to choose from.

If you’re comparing these brands directly, then in recent years it seems that Gillette has declined in popularity, whilst Dorco has increased significantly. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Dorco is best for your needs, but they are a good option if you’re looking for a new razor.

Both brands offer a variety of different products and razors, so it’s hard to compare the brands as a whole as opposed to their individual products. But, we can have a look at some of their best products and compare them to see which is best.

Dorco Pace 6 vs Gillette Fusion5

Two of the most popular models of each of these brands are the Dorco Pace 6 and the Gillette Fusion5. Of course, the main difference between these two razors can be easily identified in their name. Where the Fusion5 uses a 5 blade system, the Pace 6 uses a newer 6 blade system – it was one of the first razors to do so.

Dorco Pace 6 - Six Blade Razor Blade System - Value Pack (10 Pack + 1 Handle)
  • WORLD'S FIRST 6 BLADE - Tests prove higher blade counts deliver a closer, less irritating shave.
  • PATENTED ANGULATED BLADE PLATFORM - Seamless blade construction leaves fewer obstacles for debris accumulation
  • COMMON DOCKING SYSTEM - Cartridge and handle interchangeability for shaving customization

Now, the amount of blades that a razor has doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to give you a better shave. There are plenty of people out there that prefer to use a two or four blade razor as opposed to these two, so it’s important to know that the amount of blades in your razor isn’t going to necessarily give you a better shave.

That being said, there are some things that I like about the Pace 6 system, and I do like the 6 blades. I don’t really need to go over the same spot more than once to get the job done, which is a problem that I’ve found in the past whilst using the Fusion.

One of the reasons that I might prefer the Pace to the Fusion is that the Pace has a wide grip and it has a pivoting head. This means that it’s easy for the razor to conform to the shape of your face or head, which is usually what I’m shaving. The Fusion5 has it’s ‘flexball technology’ too, which also allows the razor to adjust depending on where you’re shaving, but I think the Pace works a little better in this regard.

Although both razors used a large aloe vera lubrication strip to help avoid irritation, I do find that I get a lot less irritation with the Pace. Whether this is due to the way that the razor blades are designed or that I feel more comfortable using their handle I’m not sure – but I do get a better shave with the Pace 6.


For the most part, I’m always going to stick with the Dorco brand from now on. A few years ago, it seems like a ton of companies got upset with Gillette’s complete dominance of the market and started an uprising to try and dethrone them as the razor kings. As time progresses, Gillette becomes less and less popular as newer, better brands come to the forefront of shaving.

Not only are the majority of these brands the same, if not better quality as Gillette, but they’re designed with one thing in mind; cost. Gillette have generally been charging astronomical prices for their products for decade because there hasn’t been enough competition for them. Now, an abundance of competition has arisen which offer better products at a cheaper price – and Gillette have to listen.

Dorco specifically offer some of the best products on the market for the price – even the DSC (Dollar Shave Club) used their razor blades, which says a lot about their quality. You can’t really go wrong by going with Dorco, as they undoubtedly offer some of the best products around within their price range.

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