Toppik vs Caboki vs Infinity vs Nanogen – Best Hair Fibers

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Finding the best hair fiber for you isn’t easy – once you’ve made the decision to start using hair fibers, your next step is deciding on what the best option is for your needs. There’s a ton of different products on the market and it can be really difficult to know which one is going to work best for your needs. With more and more products coming on the market every day, finding the right one for you can be difficult.

Best Hair Fibers

Toppik Hair Building Fibers, Black, 27.5g | Fill In Fine or Thinning Hair | Instantly Thicker, Fuller Looking Hair | 9 Shades for Men & Women
Caboki Hair Loss Concealer, 90-day supply, Dark Brown
Infinity Hair Thickening Fiber, Medium Brown, 60g
Nanogen Keratin Hair Fibers,, 30-grams, Black
Toppik Hair Building Fibers, Black, 27.5g | Fill In Fine or Thinning Hair | Instantly Thicker, Fuller Looking Hair | 9 Shades for Men & Women
Caboki Hair Loss Concealer, 90-day supply, Dark Brown
Infinity Hair Thickening Fiber, Medium Brown, 60g
Nanogen Keratin Hair Fibers,, 30-grams, Black
Toppik Hair Building Fibers, Black, 27.5g | Fill In Fine or Thinning Hair | Instantly Thicker, Fuller Looking Hair | 9 Shades for Men & Women
Toppik Hair Building Fibers, Black, 27.5g | Fill In Fine or Thinning Hair | Instantly Thicker, Fuller Looking Hair | 9 Shades for Men & Women
Caboki Hair Loss Concealer, 90-day supply, Dark Brown
Caboki Hair Loss Concealer, 90-day supply, Dark Brown
Infinity Hair Thickening Fiber, Medium Brown, 60g
Infinity Hair Thickening Fiber, Medium Brown, 60g
Nanogen Keratin Hair Fibers,, 30-grams, Black
Nanogen Keratin Hair Fibers,, 30-grams, Black

Toppik, Caboki, Infinity and Nanogen are four of the most popular hair loss fibers around. They’re very similar to each other in terms of the way that they work, but there are some differences between them that you should be aware of. Let’s have a look at their similarities and their differences so you can get a better idea of the best option for you.

How do Hair Fibers work?

Although there are definitely some differences between the hair fiber brands, they essentially all work in the same way. They won’t help you to regrow hair, so if that’s what you’re looking for you’ll need to look elsewhere – start with Nioxin or Rogaine.

Hair fibers are essentially a powder that you sprinkle onto your scalp. They actually then attach themselves to your hair through static electricity – this is because they’re cut so fine, they go through a static energizing process. They attach themselves to your remaining hairs (they won’t work for full baldies) and help to increase the volume, giving you a fuller appearing scalp. They don’t actually effect your hair in any way.

This is a good thing about hair fibers – they’re unlikely to have any negative effect on your hair, so you’re not going to experience any side effects (aside from a few people claiming that some cheaper hair fibers clog their hair follicles). Hair fibers are generally considered a safe way to cover up bald patches – at the end of the day, they wash out easily with any shampoo.

With that covered, lets have a look at each individual brand of hair fibers to see if there are any key differences between them.


Toppik is the most commonly associated brand with hair fibers. If you think of hair fibers, then the chances are the first brand that you’re going to associate with that is Toppik. But does that mean they’re the best brand on the market?

Well, they are certainly up there. Toppik have a wide range of different hair colors for you to choose from, so that no matter what your hair color is, you’re going to find something to suit you. Because of this, you’ll need to look at your hair under a light to make sure you know exactly what your hair color is – often it can be slightly different than what we think it is in regular or dim light.

Toppik is made up from keratin protein like most hair fibers – your hair is naturally made up of keratin, so it only make sense on using it as a hair fiber. Keratin also helps us to ensure we have healthy nails and skin, too. As Toppik is a premium brand, it’s generally regarded as one of the more expensive. It usually isn;t too much more expensive than other brands on the market, though as it is one of the most established, it only makes sense that it’s a little bit more.

In terms of effectiveness, Toppik has a ton of loyal users that can attest to how well it works. Whilst you’ll still have to watch you don’t get caught in torrential rain, it does work well if you’re using it in the workplace or at home. A 1 oz tub of Toppik should last you a few months if you use it every day, so it isn;t ridiculously expensive.

Overall, Toppik Hair fibers are one of the better brands on the market if you’re looking to purchase your first set of hair fibers. They do exactly what they’re supposed to, and you’re unlikely to be disappointed in your purchase.


Caboki Hair Loss Concealer, 90-day supply, Dark Brown
  • Instantly Eliminates the Appearance of Bald Spot, Widening Hair Part, Sparse Hairline and General Hair Thinning.
  • Makes Thinning Hair Look At Least 10x Fuller.
  • No Greasy, Greenish, Painted or Chalky Look.

Caboki are another brand on the market, and in recent years you might consider them to be Toppik’s biggest competitor. There is a key difference between Caboki and the other hair fiber brands on the market.

The one thing that separates Caboki from the others is that whilst brands like Nanogen and Toppik use keratin fibers, Caboki doesn’t. They use a specially formulated cotton – this doesn’t effect the way that Caboki looks on your scalp. And unlike some people think, Caboki isn’t made up of unnatural chemicals – it’s still completely chemical free, with the main ingredient being gossypium herbaceum (a type of cotton).

Dependent on your hair, you may find that Caboki works better for you because of the formula used – it really is a trial and error situation. The reality is that most hair fibers work in a very similar way, with some small subtle differences between them that may help them work better for each individual.

Caboki is available in a lot of different hair colors, so you should be able to find something to suit you. They’re one of the only brands to offer a ‘Salt and Pepper’, which is specifically designed for greying hair and will work well even thouh your hair may not be completely one color.

Overall, Caboki is a great choice if you’re looking for a natural hair fiber that will give your hair a nice aesthetic.


Another option for a good hair fiber is Infinity – although not as commonly known as the other brands, that doesn’t mean that you should discount them completely.

Infinity uses organic Keratin hair proteins like most other hair fibers – the fibers attach themselves to your hair. For this, it’s almost essential to purchase the additional fiber locking spray, which although isn’t particularly expensive it does add another expense. It also makes things a little more difficult to apply your hair, as you’ll need to use the spray to ensure it’s attached to your hair properly.

Infinity also comes with the option of buying a few extra products that can help increase the appearance of your hair. They have a Fiber Locking Spray and a Pump Applicator, which help the fibers to become attached to your scalp for a longer period of time.

Overall, this is another good option for a hair fiber if you’re looking for an alternative to Toppik and Caboki. It definitely gets the job done, which is all you can ask from a hair fiber.

Infinity Hair Thickening Fiber, Medium Brown, 60g
  • THICKER HAIR: Hair fibers helps cover up thinning hair or bald spots for those who suffer the hair loss.
  • KERATIN HAIR FIBERS: 100% Natural looking hair thickening powder, made from Keratin Fibers.
  • ACCESSORIES: Infinity hair fiber pump applicator holds to lock the hair loss concealing fibers in place.


Nanogen brand themselves as “the UK’s number 1 expert in getting thicker hair”, so it would seem that you can have faith in their product. Of course, this is coming directly from them, so we’ll need to do a little research to find out more about the product.

Nanogen also use Keratin protein fibers, which would suggest that there aren’t many differences between this product and other similar hair fibers. I mean, can they really be much different? Well Nanogen claims that they are, with a few bold claims on their website.

Nanogen claim that they use a Kinetic strip technology which helps the fibers attach to your hair properly. This ensures that the powder will attach to your hair and not sit on your scalp, which can be a problem with cheaper hair fiber.

This same technology also ensures that the fibers will stay attached to your scalp, which can definitely be an issue with other options – putting it on in the morning and it becoming detached from your hairs by the afternoon is no good – fortunately, this isn’t a problem with Nanogen.

Generally, Nanogen is actually a little bit cheaper than the other hair fibers. So, seeing as they state they do everything Toppik does and more, it may only make sense to opt for them if they do everything that state they can. The majority of users are happy with using Nanogen, so it could be worthwhile considering them as a viable comptetitor in the hair fiber market.

Nanogen Keratin Hair Fibers,, 30-grams, Black
  • Transform thinning or fine hair in just 30 seconds
  • Instant looking coverage and thickness
  • Color lock technology means there will be no staining to your skin or clothing


Overall, there aren’t a ton of differences between these hair fibers and most of them would probably get the job done. Hair fibers are generally a good idea if you’re looking for something to help give your hair a fuller looking volume, so you could consider any of these as a viable option.

For me, I would opt for Nanogen as my hair loss fiber of choice. Firstly because it’s made of keratin protein, and although some claim Caboki to look natural, I don’t think that it looks as natural as the other hair fibers.

Secondly, Nanogen is generally found at a much cheaper price than Toppik, Caboki and Infinity. This might not matter if you’re only using a hair fiber every now and then, but if you’re using it on a daily basis then the price is going to add up drastically. So, it’s important to find something that fits into your budget.

Remember, these hair fibers aren’t going to be a permanent solution to hair loss and you might have to look elsewhere if you’re dealing with male pattern baldness. If this is you, then there are other options available to you – things like Minoxidil or even a DHT blocking shampoo may be more effective for your needs. But if you want something to help your hair look thicker, then one of these hair fibers will work perfectly.


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Hey! I'm Steve, and this is my site. I started going bald at 15 and was completely bald by 19, so I know what it's like to start balding for any man. Anyway, enjoy the site and get in touch through the contact from if you need anything! Cheers!

3 thoughts on “Toppik vs Caboki vs Infinity vs Nanogen – Best Hair Fibers”

  1. Hello Steve!
    Does the Nanogen have any ammonia or aluminum in it? What exactly are the ingredients? Caboki says it all natural.. just not wanting to put anything on my scalp that’s chemicals… I have some specific immune system issues so I’m trying to be as healthy as I can.

    Thank you for your article! Nicely done!


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