Zenagen vs Nioxin

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Nioxin is one of the most popular hair loss products on the market. If you’re looking for a solution to temporary hair loss, then you’re going to struggle to find something as popular as Nioxin – it’s almost a household name nowadays. The same can’t be said however for Zenagen, which is a lesser known brand that doesn’t have the same prestige of Nioxin. But can we consider Zenagen as a worthy competitor to Nioxin?

Zenagen and Nioxin are extremely similar – they are both designed to combat temporary hair loss. Whilst Nioxin is the better known brand, it is still worth considering trying Zenagen out if you’re looking for something that can compete with Nioxin and help relieve temporary hair loss.


Zenagen Revolve Shampoo For Women | Supports Scalp Health & Appearance of Fuller, Healthier-Looking Hair, Developed for Fine & Visibly Thinning Hair, Plant-Based, Color-Safe, Vegan, For All Hair Types
  • Most powerful non daily hair loss shampoo on the market
  • Zenagen treatments use hair loss fighting technology and take only 5 minutes, 3 times a week
  • See noticeably thicker fuller hair within 3 months of using zenagen

Zenagen works in a similar way to many other hair loss products – it’s a DHT blocker. This means that it helps to block the conversion from testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is what causes your hair follicles to die, which is turn prevents your hair from growing and causes male pattern baldness.

There’s a lack of scientific evidence in DHT blocking shampoos actually being effective, especially when you compare them to Finasteride, also known as Propecia. This doesn’t mean to say that these shampoos definitely won’t work, but they’re definitely not as effective as Propecia. Of course, DHT blocking shampoos don’t have the same side effects as Propecia, which is the reason that I never ended up using it!

Unlike other hair loss treatments, Zenagen is specifically designed to be free from Minoxidil. This means that we can’t be sure it’s going to work well for permanent hair loss – you can look at products like Keranique if you need something that contains Minoxidil. But, it may still be worth considering using Zenagen if you’re wanting to use if for it’s DHT blocking purposes.

How to use Zenagen

There are three different types of Zenagen that you may want to consider. They are Zenagen Revolve, Evolve and Boost. It can be a little confusing, so let’s clarify the difference between these different types of Zenagen.

  • Zenagen Revolve – Zenagen Revolve is the most popular of the three different types of Zenagen. If you’re dealing with hair loss, then you’re going to want to start by look at Revolve before the other models. It is designed to be used every other day, and works as a DHT blocker.
  • Zenagen Evolve – Zenagen Evolve is better for people that are dealing with damaged hair. There’s a difference between dealing with damaged hair and lost hair, and the ingredients in these are different that are more suited for each purpose. There isn’t a wide variety of Evolve products, it’s just shampoo and conditioner – but this is all that you really need.
  • Zenagen Boost – The other Zenagen product is called Zenagen boost. This is made for people with already relatively healthy hair, but it can help to thicken and create volume in the hair that you already have. It’s useless for dealing with baldness, so don’t worry about that.

All of these Zenagen products work in the same way as each other. They’re very easy to apply, and you will either need to use them daily or every other day to get the best effect of each product.

Zenagen Ingredients

The ingredients that are in Zenagen are similar to that of Nioxin. Of course, it’s free of all the nasties that we’ve already heard of and don’t like – it’s totally paraben free, which is important. It also doesn’t contain lanolin and nickel, which are other possible irritants for some people. If you compare this to other hair loss shampoos, it’s extremely similar.

Zenagen Revolve in particular contains a lot of the ‘usual suspects’ that you’re likely to find in the majority of hair loss products. Things like Ginger Root Extract, Aloe Vera and Panthenol are pretty common amongst the majority of shampoos out there.

It also contains saw palmetto, which is one of the places it gets it’s androgen blocking properties from. Saw palmetto is a fruit extract very similar to aloe vera, and you’ll find it in an increasing number of products nowadays. It works well for your skin, but there’s also promising research that it works well for hair loss too.


Nioxin is one of out favorites here, and I’ve talked about the different types of Nioxin numerous times across the site. It’s an undoubtedly good option for anyone looking for a relatively cheap hair loss shampoo and conditioner – it’s much cheaper if you compare it to Zenagen.

There are a few reasons why I like Nioxin in particular. Firstly, it has a legion of loyal followers that can attest that it actually works well for dealing with hair loss. If you look at the reviews online, you’ll find a ton of people that say that Nioxin really works, which is important.

Secondly, Nioxin has a real lack of side effects if you compare it to other hair loss products. With Propecia, you’re running the risk of sexual side effects. With Minoxidil, some people report having headaches. But with Nioxin, the worst you’re going to get is some mild irritation and ineffectiveness, so you can just stop using it.

Finally, it’s great for protecting the scalp. We can see this from the ingredients list, which is filled with ingredients that you’ll also find in sunscreen. Ensulizole and Sulisobenzone are two of the main ingredients in Nioxin, and you’re also going to find them in the majority of suntan lotions as well. So, we can be sure that it helps protect the scalp, which is essential for hair growth.

Depending on the condition of your hair, there are different scales of Nioxin that you may want to consider. Nioxin is scaled from 1-6, with each of these different numbers representing the condition of your hair. For example, Nioxin 3 and 4 are for colored hair, whereas 1 and 2 are for natural hair. It’s pretty easy to find which version of Nioxin is going to be better for your needs.


Overall, I would tend to stick with Nioxin as it has a longer lifespan and there are tons of customers that can attest that it works well. The same can’t be said for Zenagen; however, that shouldn’t put you off this shampoo entirely. Zenagen has a lot of similar properties to Nioxin, so there’s no reason that it would not produce the same results, if not better.

Becauase of the different brands of Zenagen, it can be difficult to know the difference between them (hopefully I’ve clarified that for you). People dealing with hair loss will be best off going for Zenagen Revolve, which is their most popular product and is something that you should undoubtedly consider. Overall, both of these shampoo/conditioner combos are likely to be effective for treating hair loss and you should take them into consideration.

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